CSDS is looking for a consultant/team to produce training material and discuss a “way forward” with the goal of developing a strategic view on future activities. The task shall be carried out between November 2022 and January 2023. Please refer to...
Design Consultants Recruitment – Hoi Kien 2021
I. Introduction Center for Sustainable Development Studies (CSDS) is a Vietnamese non-governmental organization with the aim of promoting the volunteerism movement and increasing youth participation in sustainable development. Founded in 2009 in...
Facilitators Recruitment – “Youth Drivers for Change” Forum 2021
Introduction Center for Sustainable Development Studies (CSDS) is a Vietnamese non-governmental organization with the aim of promoting the volunteerism movement and increasing youth participation in sustainable development. Founded in 2009 in...
Facilitator Recruitment – Workshop series “When gen Z chooses to live green”
Introduction Center for Sustainable Development Studies (CSDS) is a Vietnamese non-governmental organization with the aim of promoting the volunteerism movement and increasing youth participation in sustainable development. Founded in 2009 in...
[In-house training on Social Media Marketing] Facilitators Recruitment
I. Introduction Center for Sustainable Development Studies (CSDS) is a Vietnamese non-governmental organization with the aim of promoting the volunteerism movement and increasing youth participation in sustainable development. Founded in 2009 in...
[FOI] Facilitators Recruitment
I. Introduction Center for Sustainable Development Studies (CSDS) is a Vietnamese non-governmental organization with the aim of promoting the volunteerism movement and increasing youth participation in sustainable development. Founded in 2009 in...